Thursday, January 17, 2013

Save Our Schools

I attended the public hearing held by the West Shore School District (WSSD) in regards to the proposal to close either New Cumberland or Lemoyne Middle School.  I had never attended such an event, but with all three of my children being affected by this potential decision, I thought it was a good time to start.
Mr. Thomas Burnheimer, Director of Pupil Services, WSSD
The meeting was hosted by Thomas Burnheimer, Director of Pupil Services for the WSSD.
Mr. Burnheimer was joined by several of the administrative staff, including Dr. Jones, Director of Secondary Education, who addressed a lot of the questions.  Mr. Burnheimer was the person in charge of pulling together this study that was requested by the school board.  He started off the meeting, trying to lighten the mood with comparing the meeting to a party.  Basically stating that when you have a party, you try to please everyone with the menu items, but there is always going to be someone there who does not like what you are serving.  Not sure if it was just me, but it I thought it was more like a funeral in there than a party, and nobody likes a funeral.
Slide from the presentation to close a middle school.
Mr. Burnheimer then went on to explain the committee process, the study they conducted, and then showed a presentation of the proposal to close the middle school.  That presentation can be viewed at this link WSSD Demographics update relating to middle school closure.  After the presentation, he opened the floor to questions from the crowd.
There was  a crowd of approximately 400 people attending the meeting with about 45 people asking questions or making statements.  The meeting lasted 3 hours.  The overall theme of the statements, and questions from the audience was to keep both schools open. The audience suggested the school district to find another way to cut spending.  The schools should be the last source of cuts.  Suggestions from the participants included
  1. Raising taxes
  2. Close and sell the Administration building, placing administration in the schools.
  3. Cut administrative staff
A parent asking a question of Mr. Burnheimer.
Money was not the only issue aired at the meeting.  Many parents were concerned about the impact on the students, staff, and community.  There were several parents attending whose children do not attend either of the affected middle schools, but will be shuffled between Allen and Crossroads middle schools.  Their issue was, why are their kids schools be changed if they don't attend either Lemoyne or New Cumberland?  They all wanted their children to stay put in the schools they are presently attending.  I think we all want that.

Specific concerns regarding the impact on the children included:
  1. Length of bus ride
  2. Emotional affects
  3. Class size
  4. Overcrowding of remaining middle school buildings
  5. Course offerings
  6. Extracurricular activities changing or being eliminated
  7. Quality of Education
  8. Students getting 'lost in the shuffle'
  9. Reduction of teaching staff

Overall, it was a informative evening.  I wanted to attend because I was curious as to what the rest of the community was thinking, especially those in our neighboring community of Lemoyne.  There was a little of pitting the two schools against each other, but for the most part, speakers stayed away from those types of statements.  It seemed that the people who attended, and spoke just wanted to have a say in this decision.  I want to personally thank those of you who got up to speak.  I am not a public speaker, and I was glad that there were so many people who were willing, and able to get up to the microphone to air their concerns.
Members of the news media in attendance at the hearing.
If you were unable to attend, and would like to have some input in this decision, you still can.  To submit your comments online, click this link, Online comment form WSSD middle school closure.  If you prefer to send comments via the postal service, click this link Print out comment form WSSD middle school closure.

Don't delay, please submit your comments today.

All related information and links are provided at one central page here:

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