Friday, December 9, 2011

New Cumberland Volunteers

I want to thank everyone for their great support of my blog.  Had the biggest response yet to last week's entry about Koziar's Christmas Village.  If you are stopping by to check out that review, scroll down, it's below this entry.  If you are checking out my latest entry here it is.

A few weeks ago in my blog, I listed some things I was thankful for in New Cumberland.  In the upcoming year, I hope to expand on many of the ideas put forth in that blog.

One of the items I was thankful for was community volunteers.  Through my years here at New Cumberland, I have volunteered some time at the schools and scouts.  I volunteer with these organizations because my children attend them and that's the circle I'm involved with now.  I help out from time to time, but I have realized over the years that I am not a good one to be in charge.  I like to say "I make a good worker bee," and that's fine, I can accept that role.  I attempted a leadership role, but soon realized that being in charge was not for me.  I did my best while taking on the role, but when my time was done, I stepped aside to allow someone else to take a turn.  I always respected people who volunteered their time, but this experience gave me a whole new respect for those people who offer to be in charge.  So, what about those people who are willing to  stay in those leadership roles for extended periods of time?  There are several people here our community who jump in and lead the charge with many organizations.  Whether it be just an individual, or a husband and wife team, these people dedicate their time to our community and make all of our lives a little easier.

Think about it; when one of these people steps up and decides to take on the roll of Scoutmaster or to run the youth basketball league or become an Officer in the Parent Teacher Organization, they take on a huge responsibility.   Their leadership, dedication, and skills affect all those kids (and their parents) who decide to participate in those activities.  Another thing to think about is the volume of activities that happen in this town and the adjoining communities that share sports and social activities with us.
Baseball, Softball, Basketball, Football, Soccer, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Parent Teacher Organizations and so much more happens in this community year round.  In each and every one of those organizations, people step up to be Board Members, Den Leaders, Troop Leaders , Coaches and more.  And within each one of those organizations, work has be be delegated out to others who also step up to ease the burden on those willing enough to take on those leadership roles.  The thought of the undertaking of it all is enormous.

So, this brings me to my next question.  Who does all that work and why?  What motivates them?  What do they get out of it?  Do they ever get tired of doing all that work?

For upcoming blog entries, not every one, but every once in a while, I plan to interview some of these community volunteers.  I hope you will come back to read their stories.

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